Spacedealer – the established Berlin agency for online marketing.
Spacedealer – the established Berlin agency for online marketing with front woman Joanna Piekos is not only in the infinite widths of the World Wide Web completely far ahead. The agency kitchen in the new headquarters on Schlesische Strasse is also totally advanced.
In keeping with the style of the building’s industrial architecture, the kitchen, fully equipped with Noodles Authentic Furniture, makes a strong impression. More than 30 employees here have access to the finest filtered tap water. To achieve practically spring water quality, a Leogant* water filtration system is used.
Another filter ensures optimal water supply to the SanRemo coffee maker, which sits safely and solidly on a Noodles kitchen cabinet. Here, employees can pep themselves up for their daily battle to top-rank the customers they serve with finely prepared caffeine shots.
The kitchen was designed by Marco Riedel. The wood finish of the steel furniture was customized in solid oak, a variant that also comes very well.