New Heritage Design Festival on the Prater Island 11. & May 12, 2019 – Save the date!
The Festival of Timeless is a platform with which all those are given the opportunity to find products and manufacturers who are looking for quality and authenticity.
In a time of fast-moving consumption, we appreciate the consistent, the good, the quality. And we are not alone in this. More and more people are looking for products that have timeless style and are so well made that they last longer than just one season.
The founding of New Heritage comes at a time when consumption is characterized by mass and speed. The focus is on true values such as quality and tradition as well as conscious, sustainable consumption. The special feature: Visitors engage in direct exchange with the manufacturers, lend a hand themselves in various workshops and thus experience what it means to invest in quality.
Anyway: We from NOODLES NOODLES & NOODLES CORP are also of the opinion that in a time of the generally usual fast consumption, the durable, good and qualitatively high-quality deserves special appreciation. We are back in Munich this year and look forward to bringing you closer to our furniture! Feel and touch the Noodles!
Come by. It’s worth it!
The New Heritage & Noodles lifestyle!
1. an end to the fast pace
2. is against the throwaway mentality
3. authentic products for authentic people
4. the New Heritage lifestyle is not only easy on the wallet but also on the environment!